Unlocking the Power of Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki

Amidst the myriad of alternative healing practices that grace our modern world, Reiki emerges as a beacon of gentle yet meaningful potential, offering a harmonious fusion of our mind, body, and spirit. Within the vast spectrum of Reiki modalities, one shines with an enchanting allure, promising profound transformation: Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki.

Let’s explore and delve into the depths of this extraordinary energy.

The Essence of Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki

Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki is a specialized form of Reiki that was channeled by the gifted healer Kim Ora Rose. This unique energy is deeply connected to Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine, making it distinct from traditional Reiki modalities. Mary Magdalene herself is the guardian of this energy, which adds an element of mystique and reverence to its practice.

A Pure Vibration from the Divine Feminine

Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki has a vibrational purity which emanates directly from the Divine Feminine. When working with this energy, practitioners describe a sense of bliss and a connection to the heart and the higher heart centers. We experience it as an initiation of the heart’s expansion flowing from within it.

The colors of green and pink frequently carry symbolic significance connected to the Heart Center, and Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki aligns seamlessly with these colors.  Many practitioners find that rose quartz crystals complement this energy beautifully. When used in conjunction, the elevated vibrational frequency of pink bliss intertwines harmoniously with the nurturing essence of rose quartz, culminating in a profound sense of self-love and a blissful feeling.

The Unique Path of Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki

This unique path of Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki, flowing gracefully through the crown chakra, opens a profound gateway to the ethereal realms and the nurturing energies personified by Mary Magdalene herself. It’s akin to unlocking a celestial portal, granting us direct access to the sacred and transformative energies that reside beyond our earthly experience. This distinctive approach not only enriches our spiritual journey but also deepens our connection to the loving guidance and wisdom of Mary Magdalene allowing us to tap into her dynamic influence for healing and spiritual growth. As we embark on this sacred voyage, we embrace a powerful conduit to the Divine Feminine, a channel through which we can draw strength, enlightenment, and boundless love.

The Higher Heart

The concept of the Higher Heart is a crucial facet of spiritual and energetic development. Situated above the traditional heart chakra, it represents a deeper and more expansive level of love, compassion, and empathy. Often associated with the color of pink, the Higher Heart resonates with unconditional love and acceptance. When we engage with energies like Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki, we are not only working to heal and expand our traditional heart center but also tapping into the amazing wisdom and love housed within the Higher Heart. This allows us to connect with others and the world around us on a much deeper and more meaningful level, fostering a profound spiritual growth and personal transformation.

Benefits of Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki

Unlocking the power of Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki offers a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Deep Healing: Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki facilitates emotional and spiritual healing, helping us to address our past traumas and emotional blockages that keep us stuck.

  • Heart Expansion: This energy initiation expands the Heart and the Higher Heart Centers, promoting love, compassion, and empathy.

  • Connection to Divine Feminine: Practitioners experience a deep connection to the Divine Feminine and the nurturing energy of Mary Magdalene.

  • High Vibrational Frequency: Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki fills individuals with a sense of bliss and uplifts our vibrational frequency.

  • Enhanced Spiritual Growth: It supports our spiritual growth and personal transformation, aiding in one’s journey toward self-discovery and enlightenment.

  • Improved Wellbeing: Many have reported having a sense of peace, bliss, and overall wellbeing after working with or receiving this energy.

  • Self-Healing: Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki empowers individuals to use this beautiful energy for their own self-healing and to assist others in theirs.

A Personal Experience

The magnetic allure of Mary Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki is primarily attributed to the radiance presence of Mary Magdalene herself. In my first experience of this remarkable energy, I was enveloped by an affectionate surge of pink radiance, entering through my crown chakra, and gently coursing through my entire being. A profound sense of pure bliss enveloped me, radiating both from within and around me. It was an unmistakable sensation one that resonated deeply with my spirit, and I knew immediately that I had encountered something truly special—something I yearned to share with others so they could experience it too.

Frequently, I harness this divine energy to facilitate healing sessions for my clients, and Leslie and I have done distance attunements for those who want to use it themselves. I’ve noticed that, as I’m drifting into sleep, I instinctively summon it to envelop me in its soothing embrace, offering me solace and rejuvenation. This intimate connection with the Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki has become an integral part of my daily life a wellspring of solace and renewal that continues to inspire and uplift both my clients as well as me.

The Initiation into Mary Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki

For those interested in being attuned to Mary Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki, it is a distance initiation employing the Chi Ball method as a means of receiving this potent energy transmission. This package includes a comprehensive manual, a lineage chart, and two audio components. One of which is a guided meditation and the other includes detailed instructions for receiving the initiation and powerful affirmations.

Within the manual, you will discover a wealth of information on how to receive your Chi Ball initiation.  It includes how you can transmit this profound energy to others using it in your healing sessions and/or attuning others to it.

It is essential to note that to pass on the initiation to others, you must be a Reiki Master/Teacher. However, if you are not at that level, you can still harness the transformative power of this energy for your personal use and extend its healing influence on your family, friends, and/or clients. You may be interested in foundational Usui Reiki which can also be via distance or in a class on Zoom.


Unlocking the power of Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki is a journey into the heart of healing and the Divine Feminine. It offers a unique opportunity to expand your heart center, connect with the energies of Mary Magdalene, and experience the profound bliss and high vibrational frequency that this energy brings. Whether you’re a seasoned Reiki practitioner or new to energy healing, exploring Magdalene Pink Bliss Reiki can be a deeply enriching and transformative experience on your spiritual path.

Currently, Leslie and Sue are offering this Reiki to clients as a distance session. It can be incorporated with other healing modalities including sound therapy, crystal therapy, Usui Reiki, and other techniques. Or receive a session completely with this loving energy.

If you are a practitioner and would like to receive the distance attunement, you can reach out for more information.


Energize Your Life: A Guide to Distance Energy Healing